Sunday, June 30, 2024
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The efforts and struggles of our feminist ancestors worldwide have led to today's society, where women can vote, get an education, own land, have opinions, and raise their voices. However, such freedom and rights are limited to places with access, and different corners of the world have different levels of progress regarding gender equity. There is still an urgent need to join hands and fight the existing inequity. 
The "gender equity" network allows scholars, experts, activists, advocates, professionals, and interested to share their opinion regarding this issue and learn from each other. 
# General
worec like 10th August 2023
worec like 0 Likes
1 Members

Advocacy on social media will empower others, educate, inform, and call attention, for instance, to a behavioral change. But, no matter what you post, it won't matter if it is not being seen. A successful Social Media Campaign relies on how visible the posts are.

Join this network to exchange ideas and learn more on the issue.

# General
worec like 12th August 2021
worec like 2 Likes
1 Members
# General
worec like 10th August 2023
worec like 3 Likes
1 Members
# General
worec like 27th July 2021
worec like 1 Likes
1 Members
# General
worec like 27th July 2021
worec like 0 Likes
1 Members